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Before Submitting an HPi Dealer Application:


Reasons why partnering with Horsepower Inc. (HPi) DOESN'T make sense for you:

1.  You are not a registered Business.

3.  You cannot meet the $2,500 minimum purchase.

4.  You do not have a company website or business email address.

5.  You are a business in the State of California.


Attention Current Dealers: your company will be automatically kicked out of the Dealer system if you: 
1.  Unsubscribe from our information emails

2.  Do not meet the $2,500 minimum each calendar year

3.  Do not comply with all dealer requirements and MAP policies

4.  Do not update us with any address or billing information

The purpose of the HPi Dealer program is to allow licensed retail companies to make a margin/profit on the HPi products they sell and in return encourages our dealers to promote the sales of HPi products. 

This is NOT a discount program for individuals and one time purchases. 

Dealers are required to make a first time order of $2,500 and maintain an annual minimum purchase total of $2,500.  If the first order is under that amount, your card will be billed the full amount and the remaining credit will sit on account. 


Each Dealer who fails to order a minimum of $2,500 in the prior calendar year will revert to retail status and will NOT be eligible to participate as an HPi Dealer for one calendar year. 


NOTE:  An Email address is required!  All correspondence with Dealers will be mainly through email.


There should be a total of (3) pages submitted with your application.  The first page of the application with you business contact information, the billing form, and the last page of the MAP policy agreement.  Do NOT fax any photos, you may direct us to your company website, or email them.  The fastest confirmation is to submit the completed forms to Laura at 

If you are ready to comply to with all Dealer Application Requirements, please click the button to proceed the application process:


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